Saturday, February 19, 2011

Library Traitor

On December 2, 2010, Robin (noteverstill) wrote for this blog about her wistful last visit to the Olney library. Like her, I miss the place. It was a second home to me; I spent hours poring through its collections and working on FOL's used book sale. The staff became old friends and I ran into so many long-lost Olney pals. Now every time I drive by the shuttered Olney library, I feel a twinge of sadness mixed with guilt. Why guilt?

Even before the Olney library closed its doors, I was already stepping out ... to the Howard County library in Glenwood. Yes, I was a traitor. Instead of patronizing other Montgomery County branches, I snuck up Georgia Avenue to the sparkling Glenwood facility with its enormous book, DVD, and audio book collections; ample natural lighting; and cozy cafe. I joked with the Olney staff (employed by cash-strapped Montgomery County) that Howard County's librarians even had metal name tags! I couldn't hide my enthusiasm for the Glenwood facility; while organizing the used book sale near the check-out counter, whenever I overheard a patron's dismayed discovery about the Olney library's closing, I would take him/her aside and whisper, "Try the Howard County library just 20 minutes up Georgia Avenue."

Once my kids had a taste of the Glenwood facility, they never wanted to return to the Olney library. Whenever I bumped into an Olney resident at Glenwood, we would exchange slightly embarrassed smiles and avert eyes like mutually exposed cheaters. The most embarrassing moment was when I ran into an Olney librarian who asked, "Where do you go now?"

Shuffling my feet, I looked down and mumbled, "Uh... actually, I've been going to the Howard County library --"

"Good for you! I was going to suggest that facility," she patted my arm reassuringly.

Despite infrequent visits to the Aspen Hill and Wheaton branches of the Montgomery County library, I admit that yes, my loyalty has shifted to the Howard County library... at least until the renovated Olney library reopens next year.

1 comment:

  1. me too! it's a pleasant drive, and we love the sheer number of books! (we were just there today as a matter of fact : )
