Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Feature: That's News To Me..."

I'm starting a new feature on the OBEX and our Living in Olney blog called "That's News to Me..."
Feel free to play along.

Am I the only one who didn't know that Paneras had a "Hidden Menu?" Well
apparently they have additional menu items not found on their store menus. You
can read more here:\

You then go into the store and ask for the item. It seems there's a 50-50 chance
the cashier will know what you're talking about.

Me: I'd like the steak lettuce wrap (it's only 270 calories!)
Cashier #1: We don't have that
Cashier #2: Yes, we do, it's on the Hidden Menu

Well for $8.39 not exactly a bargain but it was good and low cal!


1 comment:

  1. The link above didn't work. Maybe a backslash when it should have been forward? This one might work...I like the turkey egg white pesto option.
