Saturday, November 21, 2015

What's for Dinner?

Day 1 of my blog... the first ever. Let me start with a simple topic, and I promise, I will get more complicated.... and hopefully, more interesting.

When you live in Olney and have kids, we all know that we are thirty minutes away from most things... so it is lovely to have a nice big car... for car pooling, for the many errands, for hauling stuff.... all those things we tell ourselves that we cannot live without.  

So I was off to a mission this weekend. To find that perfect big car with the family package - either standard or as an option... to help us with a more active life style, to help us conquer life in Olney and beyond!

Alas, it did not work as planned. The crossovers (from Sedan to SUV) ... well, I won't name them so I won't be sued... but the third row was a joke or for some unfathomable reason they discontinued it for most popular brands.  And oh, the moon roof (which at least for one brand is to die for) does not come with the family package (don't ask me  why! -- may be the kids stick their heads out of the car and that is too much of a liability for the car company? or they figure us parents don't know what we are doing... hmmm...). 

So after a day of looking and being confused, off to the next big decision. Food! What to eat for dinner and where? And can we make it light? We were tired and hungry... I had a hankering for a nice, spicy cuisine. We went up and down Rockville pike for a bit in search of spicy food with no luck... So we decided to come back to Olney, where our hearts and homes are... stop by at Panera at the Olney Town Center for a bite (it was quiet and lovely compared to a few other places) ... we had a turkey chile and a sandwich... and just remembered what a lovely quiet and relaxed little spot in this world we get to live in and enjoy...! We are very very very fortunate to be here - only in Olney!


  1. Hi Maya -- Welcome to the blog. I didn't realized that moon roofs don't come with family packages for some car brands. Maybe moon roofs are like diving boards -- considered a liability around kids?!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi - thanks. Yes, it might be... apparently it can be installed after the purchased in some brands.
