Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It Felt Like a Modern Family Episode....

Remember the lazy cat Halloween decoration? Contrast that prone pussycat to this poised-to-pounce one:

Before Halloween, my neighbor planned to put this menacing blow-up cat on top of his garage. While hoisting the cat onto the roof, he first rested the ferocious feline atop of his SUV. 

When I saw this gigantic grimalkin crouching on top of the car I joked, "Hey, you should keep the cat on the roof of your car and drive around town!" Then I remembered the Modern Family episode when Mitch and Cam tied giant stuffed animals onto their car's roof.

Well, a single cat couldn't create such a hilariously obscene scene.The blow-up cat's only movements would be inflating when the engine was on and deflating when the engine was off. I suggested to my neighbor that he plug the cat into his car's DC connector to keep the fan going.

Sadly, he declined my suggestion: he didn't want to tote around a cat that blew up and delated as he drove around town.

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