Monday, May 16, 2011

Easy Rider

Now that Bowie Mill Road has been repaved, I love driving on it. To me, the “smoother than a baby’s bottom” ride has been worth the one-lane traffic and weather-related construction delays. The only bump that could mar such street sleekness would be a talking bump – like the one in "The Pothole" Seinfeld episode, when George dropped his Phil Rizzuto keychain in a pothole that was later paved over ... a bump which shouted, “Holy Cow!” whenever a car ran over it.

I am glad that the Bowie Mill makeover is complete in every sense of the word. A friend’s street was recently repaved by PEPCO (or another one of those ubiquitous companies digging up the roads in Olney) in what she describes as “a half-a—ed job.” Literally. I drove down her street and sure enough, exactly one half of the street is dark and even while the other half is gray and pocked. I wouldn't be surprised if drivers spoiled by Bowie Mill Road would mistakenly drive down the wrong side of the road on her street just to stay on the smooth side. Come to think of it, I might have done just that. Luckily there was no oncoming traffic.


  1. LOLOL! I know which anonymous street you're talking about! Nice description (and tragically, all-too-accurate...)

  2. Thank you for the material ;)
