Friday, February 17, 2012

Here Comes the Sun, Again?

Yes, folks it's been awhile. What can you say? Well, being an educator I can say school staff look forward to snow days possibly even more so than students. And yet, no snow. We're halfway through winter and not even a two hour delay. Sure it may be nice to have 50 degree temps in winter but give me my snow. Why else make it cold and it has been cold, occasionally. I have no problem shoveling the driveway, even driving in the white stuff. You can't imagine the exuberant joy of hearing Montgomery County Public Schools- Closed. Hurray! And it's back to bed. Even the announcement of a two hour delay is worth the extra sleep time.
As for Valentine's Day, the Wifey loves the chocolate cake from Chicken Out. It used to be a lot easier when they were here in Olney. I have to run out to Rockville Pike and pick up two slices from the Chicken Out there. Not one for each of us. Wifey and I split one and our girls split the other. That's some good eating. This past Tuesday, we were reminiscing of the chocolate cake that BJ Pumpernickel's used to serve. They were great too and are sure missed.
Still waiting for snow and I'll take this President's Day break. How long until Spring Break?

1 comment:

  1. My girls are constantly and loudly wishing for snow too! I would not be surprised if we end up with a snowstorm in March just when we think winter is over...
