Thanks to our recent blogger who wrote about Spontaneous Date Nights. I think you're on to something there.
Seeing this post reminded me that our contributing OBX bloggers have been quiet over the past months - me included. Is it that we have nothing to say? Is it that we have nothing funny, inspiring, or insightful to say? (a requirement of this blog). I hope that's not the case. Perhaps we're just pre-occupied. Perhaps we're too busy reading other people's blogs. Perhaps we're too anxious anticipating the horrific winter that we know is still sure to come.
Anyway, while discussing this at dinner, my husband reminded me abut our recent squirrel escapade. You'll recall that I've blogged about squirrels before - bemoaning their messy eating of my Dogwood tree fruits. Well these squirrels are relentless, I'll tell ya. They insist on eating every bird seed we put out. Even when we install so-called squirrel-resistent bird feeders! They're like squirrel acrobats!!! You won't believe it until you see it. Check out this latest photo of what we lovingly call our "Space Squirrel."
Be well. Be happy. Be inspired. Keep blogging.
Thanks for the squirrel photo -- funny space squirrel! I am so glad you wrote an entry. I actually had the dating story in mind since last fall but was too busy to write about it... so Valentine's Day was the perfect impetus!