Friday, October 16, 2015

The Voice

While driving around town, I frequently spot familiar faces and want to stick my head out of the car to shout "Hi (insert person's name)!" If I'm on a neighborhood side street, I sometimes even stop to catch up. On the more heavily traveled roads, however, my good intentions can go awry.

One afternoon while coasting down Morningwood Drive, I saw a friend who had been ill. Delighted that she was out and about, I called "Hi (name)!" Unfortunately, I travel faster on Morningwood Drive than I do on a neighborhood side street. By the time she heard my voice and looked up, I was gone. In the rear view mirror I saw her searching for a disembodied voice. Luckily I was able to make a legal U-turn, drive back to her house, stop for a minute and greet her properly.

I wasn't so lucky on Bowie Mill Road. One morning I spotted another friend fetching the newspaper at the end of her driveway. Again, I yelled, "Hi (name)!" but since I was on Bowie Mill Road during rush hour, I couldn't slow down … unless I wanted to cause a multi-car pileup. All I could do was drive on and watch my friend in my rear view mirror look up, searching the air above, behind and all around her for the source of the mysterious voice.

When I got home, I called her. Ring, ring... "Hi, this is Daphne. Sorry - that was me just a few minutes ago that shouted hello. I wanted to say hi but then realized I couldn't slow down in that traffic." 

My friend laughed, "I was wondering who was calling me! My daughter? My neighbor? The wind? Thanks for calling and letting me know I'm not crazy and hearing voices!"

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