Monday, October 19, 2015

What's on the Bag?

As I noted in an earlier post "Social Giant", I usually shop at Giant but occasionally visit one of the other three grocery stores in town. One of those establishments, Harris Teeter, hosted a table by the exhibit hall entrance at last week’s Olney Community Night.  As I shuffled behind the crowd entering the exhibit hall, I couldn’t help but pause in front of the table. Despite trying to avoid any eye contact, I couldn’t pass the table quickly or stealthily enough.

"Would you like one?" the Harris Teeter representative greeted me, holding out a green Harris Teeter cloth bag. I hesitated and -- as silly as this may sound -- panicked mildly. I thought, 'Augh! I seldom shop at Harris Teeter! I don't want to appear disloyal while shopping at Giant!'

Not wanting to be ungracious, I smiled and accepted the bag quietly. When I returned home, I gave the Harris Teeter bag to my husband to stash in his car. I figure 1) he rarely grocery shops and 2) even if he does and visits Giant, he’ll look like the traitor, not me!

Does anyone else ever worry about shopping in one store while carrying a cloth bag emblazoned with another store's name?


  1. I used to worry about that but no more, I have reusable bags from Wegmans, Giant, Safeway, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, a church, a drug company, and many more. So many organizations give out free bags, I music those in so the cashier doesn't have time to look at sll and decipher.

  2. Good point -- I used to worry that a cashier would see a bag from another store and say, "Hey! You can't use this here!"
