Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Olney's Precious Diversity

Sometimes the world looks bleak to me, while at other times, it seems hopeful. As world events unfold, I often struggle to maintain a positive perspective. However, there was a ray of hope recently, and it didn't come from a benevolent employer, nor a politician, nor did it pour down from the heavens above. It came from within the Olney community, from “everyday” people trying to fight the climate of xenophobia that's seemingly taken over. 

On November 24th almost 300 people gathered in a show of solidarity at Shaare Tefila on Georgia Avenue for an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. I watched with deep appreciation as Jews, Christians and Muslims called for service, cooperation and thanks, exchanged hugs and broke bread together. It was gratifying to see neighbors and friends vehemently nod in agreement throughout the service as scriptures emphasizing tolerance and peace were read. 
It couldn't have come at a better time. The Thanksgiving service not only reflected the rich diversity of Olney, but also allowed me to put my focus on the positive, and nurture that feeling as if it were a precious seed that had been planted inside. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear about Olney's harmonious diversity!
