Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Dog Days are Not Over

Everything changes when you get a dog. It's like having a newborn.  Have to keep an eye on them.  What are they up to? They need to be fed.  You check and double check to see if and when they have to go potty. We adopted Lola almost a month ago. You'll be doing a lot of walking, I'm told. Yeah, I guess. Anything to add to my steps. Walking the dog is another experience.  I'm just trying to avoid having her pull my arm off. No! Don't eat that. Then there's people. There's something about a seven month pup that changes people. Joggers come to a complete stop. People actually make eye contact and smile. More so at Lola than at me. They ask you questions while talking to her.
You're a cutie. Yes you are. How old is she?            
  Seven months. We just got her
Look at you! Who's a good dog? What is she?
She's a lab mix. Not sure what breed she's mixed with.
You get the picture.  There's the doggy smell too. Almost as soon as you enter the house. Dog. Dog food. Fur. Drool. Chew toys. That cleaner you use to clean or mask any sign of accidents in the
house. It's all there.  Stepping on squeaky toys and antlers that she likes to chew on. Almost like stepping on a Lego. All these things for dog. More than what I can remember we gave my childhood dog. With apologies to Florence Welch. The dog days have just begun.
Lola lounging

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