Friday, February 9, 2018

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Brrr! I keep waiting for these frigid days to pass but it is only early February. For a few months already, we've endured freezing temperatures and howling winds strangely punctuated by unseasonably warm (60ºF!) days. I run (well, walk) outside and witness many people out and about, taking advantage of the mild weather before we snap back into the cold.

Right now we are experiencing yet another cold snap. Always reading funny sayings on Adeptus Partners' sign while stuck at the traffic light at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Route 108, I found this statement from last month that still is appropriate now:

Well said! In past posts, I noted other thought-provoking and spooky sayings on Adepts Partners' signs. Keep your eye out for more.

A friend commented that we normally don’t dress for the weather, but wear just enough for running between our cars and offices or houses. But if you put effort into dressing for the cold (with long underwear, double socks, etc.), he believes you can find outdoor cold weather activities (like tailgating games, sledding, walking the dog) "fun."

This outdoor activity (in video) looks fun, but Olney hasn't been cold enough for this experiment to work. Believe me; I tried it.

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