Monday, July 5, 2010


Don't you just love how new words are created by new experiences? What's a staycation you ask? Well, it's where you stay in your house in Olney and the rest of your family leaves for various camps and such. It's not as exciting as going to say...Tuscany...or Marco Island, but it's a vacation nonetheless. Picture this, there are barely any dishes to clean, laundry to do, clothes to put away or forms to fill out. Yup, it's just me and the umpteen critters I have to take care of. But as I flitted from home to Fitness First and home to the Olney library, I was giddy at the thought that I came home to this clean and quiet house...all mine, mine, mine! I even had the energy to invite a few ladies over for dinner and a movie. So the next time a real vacation eludes you (and lets face it, most real vacations still feel like work unless you're lucky enough to go somewhere where you have a whole staff that caters to you), find a way to send your spouse and kids abroad while you stay home and play all you want.

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